Hello Friends and Students,
The next Taoist Quiet Sitting Class is on Tuesday, March 24th from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm. We will continue to explore the energies of sinking (descending) and how to move these energies with great discernment into the dissolving process. Most of us find that when we start to observe, our minds are jumbled up into a mixture of thoughts, emotions and sensations; but we lack the skill to calm and integrate these experiences. Without clear discernment and the ability to feel the quality of energy that is occupying your mind at any given moment, it becomes increasingly difficult to quiet your being and deepen the experience of true inner space.
We will also begin a conversation about fear. The energy of fear creates one of the most fundamental blockages that can be encountered. Discussion will focus on the nature of fear and how it limits our growth at every level.
Beginners Welcome!
Location: White Crane Healing Arts Center, 7071 W. Commercial Blvd. 2C, Tamarac, FL 33319
Date & Time: Tuesday, March 24th 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Cost: $10.00
phone: 954-721-7252 email: whitecrane.iborra@gmail.com
Website: http://www.whitecranehealingarts.com
PS – Friday, March 20th is the spring equinox. The new moon will prevail and in that will be the energy of new beginnings. Day and Night will be equal; and therefore yin and yang will also be equal. The sun will rise directly in the east and set directly in the west. In Taoist cosmology, the equinox is considered a high energy day.
If desired, you can acknowledge this energy with incense, candles and/or invocations. The idea is to raise your consciousness and purify your energy; especially on the subtle spiritual plane. Other suggestions include meditation, prayer, a reading of something that inspires you deeply, spending time in nature watching a sunrise or sunset, visiting a beach, forest or mountain. Whatever you choose, it should be done with clear intent – you get the idea!
Good Journey,